Risk Prediction Training
LIVE Risk Prediction Training
Prevent accidents by risk prediction
Live risk prediction training
While you’re driving with your eyes on the road, it’s also important to predict. The videos that we show you here have focused on scenes that are likely to happen at any time. Let these virtual experiences help you to learn the key points of risk prediction.

Streetcar Vol.1
You are driving along a road parallel to the streetcar tracks, with three lanes each way.

Streetcar Vol.2
The traffic light has turned green, so you are starting to turn left at the intersection.

Bicycle Vol.7
You are riding on a street following bicycle navigation lines that guide bicycles.

Narrow Road
You are driving along a narrow road. Two cars cannot pass each other so you want to move back to give way.
Residential Area

Residential Area Vol.1
You are driving in a residential area.

Residential Area Vol.2
You are driving in a school zone with only one lane going each way.It’s morning and there are children heading to school.

Residential Area Vol.3
You are driving down a one-way road in a residential area.

Residential Area Vol.4
You are driving down a narrow road in a residential area.

Residential Area Vol.5
You are driving a hybrid car in a residential area.

Residential Area Vol.6
You are driving down a two-lane stress in a residential area.

Bicycle Vol.1
You are riding a bicycle in a residential area.

Bicycle Vol.2
You are riding a bicycle on the sidewalk.The light is green so you start to cross.

Bicycle Vol.3
You are riding a bicycle on the sidewalk.The light is green so you start to cross.

Bicycle Vol.4
You are riding a bicycle on the sidewalk where bicyclists are permitted to ride.

Bicycle Vol.5
You are riding a bicycle on a busy road.

Bicycle Vol.6
You are riding a bicycle on a sidewalk where bicyclists are permitted to ride.

Bicycle Vol.7
You are riding on a street following bicycle navigation lines that guide bicycles.
Snowy Road

Snowy Road Vol.1
You are driving along a trunk road where there is snow left along the sides.

Snowy Road Vol.2
You are driving along a road where there is snow left along the sides in the early morning.

Snowy Road Vol.3
You are driving along a curving mountain road with snow remaining.

Snowy Road Vol.4
You are driving along a road with some snow remaining.

Snowy Road Vol.5
You are driving along a road with packed snow.