Corporate Information
CSR Activities
JAF has acquired ISO 14001 certification, strengthening environmental protection activities.

Requesting Automobile Tax Revision
JAF makes requests and recommendations regarding the automobile tax system from the standpoint of car users.

JAF Traffic Safety Executive Committee
JAF makes proposals regarding roads that are dangerous or inconvenient in everyday life.

Omoiyalty Drive Campaign
JAF aims to improve people’s traffic etiquette through this “caring” (omoiyari) based project.

Traffic Safety Do-Re-Mi Group
Pre-school children and parents learn the importance of obeying traffic rules through music, theater and picture-stories.

Regional Promotion
As part of the regional revitalization program, JAF has signed tourism agreements with municipalities across Japan since 2010 to promote tourism in the local areas.

Emergency Road Service Task Force
The JAF Emergency Road Service Task Force is on call for relief in disaster affected areas when needed.