Risk Prediction
Risk Prediction
What should you be looking while driving?
“Risk Prediction” helps drivers foresee the possible risks at the stage of cognition and aims at reducing the risk of mistakes and accidents by making drivers afford to make decision and operate properly.
*This contents is instructed by Yasuhisa NAGAYAMA, Professor Emeritus, Osaka University.
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You are checking your mirrors before turning left.
You are driving down a major road with a lot of traffic. The photo was taken from the driver’s seat, and shows the vehicle approaching an intersection where you want to turn left. You look at the door mirror on the left and decide to make your turn.

You are planning to turn right at the intersection ahead.
You are driving along the side of a major road as you make your way towards the highway. The photograph shows the view from the driver’s seat. A light rain has begun to fall, and you watch as a man crosses at the crosswalk, holding an umbrella. The light ahead of you is green, so you plan to continue forward to turn right at the intersection.

You are riding a bicycle on the sidewalk.
You’re riding along a sidewalk that allows bicycles. The photo is from the viewpoint of the bicycle. This area has a lot of office buildings, and it’s after lunch, so there are fewer pedestrians than normal. There’s a pedestrian on the right side, which is why you are riding on the left.

You are driving on a snowy mountain road.
You are driving on a mountain road on the day after a snowfall. The photo shows the view from the driver's seat. The snow on the road is all melted, but some remains on the shoulder. The temperature is low, but the weather is nice, and steam is rising up off of the road surface. You are approaching a curve in the road as two cars approach from the other direction.

You are about to change lanes and move to the left.
You are driving in the right lane on a major road. The photograph shows from the driver's seat, and you can see shops and houses on the left side of the road as you go down the hill. You need to make a left turn a bit further down the road, so you decide to change lines after checking your left sidemirror.

You are picking someone up at the station on a rainy evening.
It started raining earlier on in the evening, and now you are on your way to pick up a family member at the train station. The photo shows the view from the driver’s seat, with the station on the left, cars parked on either side of the road (perhaps waiting for someone like you), and pedestrians all around. You see a spot open on the left, so decide to park there to wait.

You are about to drive straight through an intersection in a residential area.
You are driving down a narrow road that runs through a residential area. The photograph here is taken from the driver’s seat, and shows the vehicle approaching an intersection with no traffic light. A white car is stopped on the road to the left, and you see a man along the road on your right. The white car has stopped, so you plan to continue through the intersection.

You are about to back out of a parking spot.
You are about to back out of a spot in a parking lot, and you are watching the rear view monitor. You can see on the left side of the camera view that one person has passed your car, so you decide to turn the wheel to the right and start backing out.

You are about to go straight through an intersection.
You are driving on a two-lane road. The photograph here shows the view from the driver’s seat, and a minivan can be seen in front of you to the right. You are aiming to go through the intersection in front of you, and can see two cars turning from the opposite lanes across traffic.

You are approaching a curve on a city highway.
You are driving down the highway in a city. The photograph here is taken from the driver’s seat, and shows your vehicle approaching a sharp curve to the right that runs alongside a parking area. You drop your speed and follow the minivan in front of you into the curve.

You are about to cross an intersection in a residential area.
You are walking down a residential street. The photo shows your perspective as you approach the intersection, and you are about to turn left and cross the road at the crosswalk. There is a car in front of you about to turn right onto the road you are crossing.

You’re about to drive past a pedestrian crossing.
You are driving on a two lane road during the morning rush hour. The photograph here shows the view from the driver’s seat, and as the photograph shows, there is a line of stopped cars in the oncoming lane. A bicycle is heading down the road in the same direction as you, and a man is walking across the crosswalk. You start slowing down to let the pedestrian across the road, then you’re planning to continue down the road.

You are about to turn left at a traffic light.
You are approaching an intersection with a traffic light, and you want to turn left. The car in front of you is signaling a left-hand turn with its indicator, and the truck on the right is going straight. You are running late, and you want to quickly follow the car in front of you into the turn.

Driving through a Shopping Area with Many Pedestrians.
You are driving in a shopping area in which there are many pedestrians. There is a supermarket to the left with several bicycles parked in front. You pay careful attention to the space on your left since you are thinking about passing the young children and the man walking along the road.

You are riding your motorcycle in the turning lane.
You are driving down a busy road on a motorcycle. You want to turn right at the next light, so you move into the right-hand turn lane. There is a long line of vehicles stopped in the lane on the left. You are about to catch up to a truck at the intersection in front of you.

You are on the expressway in Tokyo.
You are driving on an expressway that runs through downtown Tokyo. The photograph has been taken from the driver’s seat, and shows that you are currently driving downhill and approaching a fork in the road. You checked the sign and confirmed that you want to continue driving in the left lane.

You are driving through a residential area.
You are driving along a road that runs through a residential area. The photograph shows the view from the driver’s seat as you follow another vehicle down the two-lane road. You are about to pass a number of vehicles coming from the opposite direction.

You are about to leave a service area.
You have stopped for a break at a service area on the expressway. The photo shows the view from the driver’s seat as you pull out to get back on the expressway again. You see that a father and child have just crossed the road, and a couple is crossing further down. You move forward, keeping your eye on the man crossing from the left.

You are driving down a road with heavy traffic in the oncoming lane.
You are driving on a two lane road. The photograph here shows the view from the driver's seat, and as you can see, the oncoming lane is heavily congested. There are cars parked in front of the convenience store on the left side of the road, which means you will have to drive closer to the center line.

You are about to turn right in front of an approaching vehicle.
You are at an intersection about to turn right and it is raining softly. The photograph here shows the view from the driver’s seat, and you see a number of pedestrians. The vehicle in the oncoming lane is moving slowly, so you decide to turn in front of it, as you keep an eye on the man crossing the road.

Driving in the right lane of a three lane road.
You are driving along a sixlane road as a light rain falls. This photograph was taken from the driver’s seat, and it shows a gasoline station to the left, and before the station a vehicle is stopped and about to enter traffic from the shoulder of the road. Ahead is a concrete mixer about to make a U-turn.

Driving through an entertainment district during the morning rush hour.
You are driving through an entertainment district near a business area in the city. The photograph shows the view from the driver’s seat, and you can see a number of vehicles parked on either side of the road. Pedestrians are crossing the road ahead of you. There are pedestrians on the left side of the road, but they have stopped walking and are looking this way.

You are about to merge onto the left lane.
You are driving on a highway you have never taken before, and the photograph here was taken from the driver’s seat. You want to turn right at the upcoming intersection and are in the right lane, but then you notice a traffic sign up ahead that indicates you have to use the underpass to turn right, and so you need to quickly merge onto the left lane.

You are about to pass a pedestrian on a snow-covered road.
You are heading to a hotel near a ski resort. The photograph here was taken from the driver’s seat. You are driving through cottage country, and are about to pass a pedestrian walking along the side of the road. The road curves off to the left ahead.

You’re driving down a hill on a two-lane road.
You’re driving down a hill on a two-lane road running through a residential area. The photograph shows the view from the driver’s seat, as you start heading downhill, and you’re about to go through a traffic light in front of an elementary school. You can see a pedestrian and a cyclist on the sidewalk on the left.

You’re about to go through an intersection on a bicycle.
You’re riding along a sidewalk that allows bicycles. As you can see in the photo, you see a woman waiting to cross at the lights, so you have moved to the right in order to pass her and cross the intersection. You can see a bicycle and cars coming from the opposite direction, and a car waiting to turn right at the light.

It’s night, and you are about to go through a pedestrian crossing.
You are driving through a residential neighborhood at night. The photograph shows the view from the driver’s seat as the vehicle approaches a pedestrian crossing. The car in the opposite lane has stopped, and a woman is crossing the road. You are waiting for the woman to reach the other side of the road before continuing through.

You are driving your motorcycle alongside vehicles stuck in a traffic jam.
You are driving along the side of a two-lane road. The photograph shows the rider Es view of the road, which is jammed with other vehicles. The left side of the road beside the stopped cars is open, and you have decided to slow down and use that space to continue down the road.

Driving through a shopping district.
Today, you are driving down a road that runs through a shopping district. The photograph shows the perspective of the driver. There are lines on each side of the road, and on the left side there are pedestrians and cyclists. A courier van is parked on the right side of the road, and a car is approaching from the opposite direction.

You are giving way to an oncoming car.
You’re driving down a two-lane road that runs through a residential area. The photograph here is taken from the driver’s seat, and shows the vehicle approaching an intersection with a traffic light. As the car in the opposite lane is stopped, a taxi is blocked from passing. You have just passed another car, and are slowing down. It looks like the car in the opposite lane is about to turn right.

You’re driving downhill on a mountain road.
You enjoy taking drives with the family on your days off. This photograph shows the view from the driver’s seat as you are driving down this mountain road. You are about to pass an oncoming car and are just before a corner. You are following the car in front of you, and about to slow down to enter the curve.