Measures to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19

February 3, 2021

JAF’s priority is the safety of our customers and staff. To contribute to the development of a healthy automobile society, we are taking the following measures as we continue our operations.

Road Service

  • Staff health is carefully managed and monitored with temperatures taken before each dispatch.
  • Masks and gloves are always worn when serving customers.
    • *Depending on conditions such as rising temperatures and humidity where there is a risk of heatstroke for example, masks may be removed while working.
  • Social distancing is ensured while serving customers and face-to-face conversations avoided unless necessary.
  • Service cars are equipped with transparent partitions between the driver’s seat and passenger seats for customers needing to ride in the vehicle.
    • *If installation is not possible or interferes with safe driving and is removed, driver and passenger windows are opened to ensure ventilation.
  • Service cars (steering wheel, door handles, grips, dashboard, seats, tools, etc.) and other areas that may have been touched by customers and staff are disinfected.
  • Any staff confirmed with fever or poor physical condition will be taken off duty and sent home, with circumstances reported immediately. Meanwhile, customers who may have had close contact will promptly be contacted under the direction of the local health department.

JAF Branch Service Counters

Business hours: 10:00am-5:00pm
(Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays)

From April 1, 2022, we started offering the priority service to those who have prior appointments for visits to the branch office.
Click here for the telephone number to make an appointment.
link to:

  • Staff members carefully gargle, wash and sanitize their hands and fingertips, and wear masks while serving customers.
  • Countertops are installed with transparent partitions between customers and staff.
  • Customers are ushered in a way that secures social distancing between each other. In consideration of the size of the branch, the number of customers may be limited.
  • Consideration is taken when handling money or handing over documents. Items that customers and staff frequently touch are regularly disinfected.
  • Business hours may be shortened in specified regions by request of the government.

JAF-Sponsored Workshops and Events

  • All staff and participants take measures to prevent infection such as wearing masks.
  • Events may be held remotely or participants limited to ensure social distancing.
  • Events may be canceled or postponed depending on how the virus is spreading or if the government issues a state of emergency. Changes will be announced on the JAF website.
  • Any staff members confirmed with fever or poor physical condition during an event will be taken off duty and circumstances reported immediately. Appropriate measures will be taken under the direction of the local health department.

See here for measures taken by JAF’s individual services in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Measures in Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak